
How To Use Forex News Prediction On This Website?

It’s very easy and simple to use the news direction prediction published on this website. All you have to do is scroll down the page (any page on the web) and choose the articles that match your research. Or go directly to the Forex blog and signal page and choose. 

The predictions on the website are shared with the people who support our work. The domain or the website we use is payable, maintenance and all troubleshooting are time consuming. So the contribution you make to us will maintain this platform and therefore communicate with you regarding the news predictions.

On the page, simply click on the article you want read. Below you will see “Contribute 2$ Only To View Signals” then click on “forex news signals”  and follow the payment instruction. After the payment is successful, you will access the restricted page right away.

How Do You Predict The News Direction

It has taken us some good years of hard work, dedication and research to finally be able to accurately predict the economic news. The strategies we use have proven to be efficient. We have published a book where you can also discover some easy ways to predict the news and be profitable.

Must I trust Your Economic News Predictions?

Yes you can trust our economic news predictions but do not rely solely on them. Because it is not everytime that we win the predictions. Naturally, the forex market is not predictable. What we know for sure is that you will be profitable with our published news predictions.

Who Analyses Your News And Predicts?

Zama Zama Forex Digger Trader is the director of all the news direction predictions published on this website. He is not alone anymore as he has been joined by professional traders volunteers who share their point of view before the news events. There are final decisions that we gather and trust before publishing the news direction on the website. You can also join in the group and share your professional predictions. 

Zama Zama Fx has also a Youtube channel where he started predicting the news for a very long time. You can verify those news predictions and you will notice that he has never failed a single news direction.

Shopping Account and Password

I forgot my password

If you have forgotten the password, this is what to do if you are using a phone:

  1. Scroll down and you will see “My account” option
  2. Click on my account and click on the “forgot password? option
  3. Fill in the required fields and a new password will be created

Note: You will need to know your current password in order to be able to create a new password. In case you have forgotten the “current password”, you can check your email address. A message was sent to you on the day of purchase.

If you do not find the sent password via your email address, you can send a message to the admin or on WhatsApp and we will be able to assist you.


I can’t access the page I just paid for

To acces the page you have just is bought is very ssimple. After your purchase is successfull. You will be automatically able to acces the page. Please, put in mind the same device used for purchase must be the same device to access the page.

In case you want to chnage the device, all you have to do is go the “My account“, sign in successfully and automatically you will access the page you bought to the new device.


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